
Library Research Guide

Finding books at K-State

From the K-State Libraries home page (, click on "Search It" In the drop menu, select "K-State Libraries' Collections" to limit your search to just materials we own. 

  • Simple Search: Works well when searching a specific author or title
    • The "search by" Keyword option is a good way to try out a word or phrase and see where it leads you.
  • Advanced Search: Use "AND" to combine terms and limit your search, "OR" is good for synonyms. Searching for something "as a phrase" is the equivalent to using quotation marks in web searches.  
    • Ballet AND France
    • (Russia OR Russian) AND (choreography OR choreographer)
    • "Twyla Tharp" AND (cross-over OR crossover) AND ballet 
  • Subject Search: "Subject Headings" are tags -- they are used to group similar titles by category.
    • See sample Subject Headings related to artists, art movements, and drawing in the column on the right.
    • When you find a promising title, click on a Subject Headings to find more materials on similar topics.
  • Location: Make sure to note the location of your item -- there are many sub-locations within Hale Library.
  • Call Numbers:  When you have your call numbers ready use the Hale Library Stacks Guide and the Map of Hale Library.  Find the perfect book?  Take a look at what is shelved next to it -- books are shelved by topic.

Dance: Sample Subject Headings

Subject Headings are descriptive tags that can help you find a section of the library to browse.  When you find a relevant Heading, click on it to view a list of books tagged with that heading.  These brief list of samples is offered so you can get an idea of what Subject Headings look like:

  • Ballet
  • Ballet companies
  • Ballet dancers
  • Choreography
  • Dance 18th Century
  • Dance Aesthetics
  • Dance Companies
  • Dance Criticism 
  • Dance England
  • Dance History 20th Century
  • Dance Music United States 19th Century 
  • Dance Notation
  • Dance Therapy
  • Gesture in dance
  • Movement Notation

Get anything, from anywhere!

WorldCat Database

Search for books in our K-State Libraries catalog and other libraries' catalogs simultaneously.  WorldCat can help you to determine if your topic is mentioned within a book -- many records include the table of contents.

  • If we have the title, you can click on the "GET IT" button to retrieve the call number from our catalog.
  • If we do not have the title, use the "GET IT" button  and select "We'll try to get it for you" to place an Interlibrary Loan request.

We highly recommend the "Advanced Search" option -- it allows for much greater control when browsing. 

