K-State First Book: They Called Us Enemy

This guide provides resources and material related to George Takei's They Called Us Enemy, a memoir of his family's internment during WWII.

Library Research Guide

The End of the Camps

In December of 1944, the Supreme Court Decision in Endo vs The United States, followed quickly by Proclamation 21, set a timeline for the end of the camps.  By the years end in 1945 all camps would be closed except for the maximum security center at Tule Lake which would close in 1946.  Below you will find transcripts of both Endo Ex Parte and Proclamation 21.

Where Do We Go Now?

As we saw in They Called Us Enemy, George and his family returned to Los Angeles after their incarceration at Tule Lake. For their hardships and suffering at the hand of a racist and unjust government policy, they were granted a mere $20 and a bus ticket.  How would you feel were you to find yourself if such a situation?  Where would you go?

Justice Delayed and Remembrance

The video below is a record of President Reagan's Remarks and signing Ceremony for the Japanese-American Internment Compensation Bill (HR442) in the OEOB in Washington DC on August 10, 1988.