
This guide is designed to help students learn how to use K-State Libraries' many resources for studying and learning biology.

Library Research Guide

What is a Professional Organization?

A professional organization (or association) is a group of individuals who work together to support the interests of their profession, to support each other in professional development, and to regulate the profession by developing a code of ethics, licensing or certification requirements, and other guidelines. Professional organizations often offer continuing education opportunities, host conferences, and may publish white papers and reports on the profession or industry. Professional organizations are usually non-profit and many charge membership fees. In addition to the international or national organization, there may be regional or state branches.

Why should you join one?

  • Keep up with changes and issues related to your profession or industry
  • Useful resources about the profession or industry (i.e. white papers, journals, directories, databases)
  • Professional development opportunities
    • Job lists
    • Resume help
    • Networking
    • Training and conferences

General Biology

The links below are examples of biology associations. Use the tips to the left to see if there's a professional organization related to your research or interests.


Human Biology

Biomolecular Studies
