Our physical media collection, meaning CDs, DVDs, as well as older audio/visual formats, are located on the third floor of Hale Library at the east end. Our DVDs can be shown in the face-to-face classroom through an exception to copyright §110 (1).
Some DVDs have been purchased with public performance rights (PPR). For questions concerning PPR for library video resources, contact Libraries Acquisitions at libjohnhale@ksu.edu.
DVDs are arranged by Library of Congress call numbers exactly like our book collection. Documentaries range across all subjects and thus all call numbers, but feature films are concentrated in the PN1997 call numbers. If you have any questions or difficulty locating materials, Ask a Librarian.
Hale Library has external DVD players available on reserve for check-out. Our collaboration rooms (one to three-person capacity) are located in the Dave and Ellie Everitt Learning Commons (first floor of Hale Library) and can be reserved up to one month in advance.
Use the following resources to determine if your classroom is equipped with a DVD player. We recommend using VLC Media Player for any DVD/Blu-ray that is not coded region 1/A.