Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

This guide is designed to help students learn how to use K-State Libraries' many resources for studying and learning biochemistry and molecular biophysics.

Library Research Guide

Tips and Tools

Planning your semester

  • Use the Rubric - Instructors use rubrics to assess learning. If your assignment has a rubric, read it carefully and plan your work accordingly.
  • One month on a calendarUse a Calendar - There are plenty of free scheduling apps online, but using your K-State account (Outlook email and calendar) makes it easy to book collaboration spaces in the library and schedule Zoom meetings and study dates.
  • Break down tasks - Turn your big assignments into smaller tasks, make yourself due dates for those, and put them on your calendar. Try out some of the tools below.
  • Make an appointment with a tutor, librarian, or the Writing Center - We are trained to help you with your assignments, exam preparation, research, and writing. You don't have to know everything or anything about your assignment or research topic to make an appointment. Learn more about academic support in the next section.

Learning in general

  • Learn about learning - We aren't usually taught to learn but the learning process is studied by educators, instructors, and researchers so there's a lot to learn about learning. Check out the Books on Learning box on this page to get started.
  • Find and watch other lectures - If course content isn't clear, find a lecture or explanation on YouTube or look for a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Use the links in the Courses box on this page to get started.

Support for Biochemistry Students

Academic support

The Writing Center and tutoring services at K-State focus on the success of learning and writing processes as a whole, not just the end result. So make an appointment if you don't understand your notes and when you get started on a project or as you're developing ideas, working through an assignment, or finishing a report.

Student clubs and organizations

Clubs and organizations are a great way to meet students with shared interests, as well as professionals in an informal setting, and also serve as an excellent way to find out about career opportunities and what it takes to make a career in your area of interest. They support your learning by connecting you with a community of undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in or have taken the courses you are taking.

Online Productivity

Browser extensions are programs that run in your browser and can make your work easier. One librarians highly recommend is the Zotero extension. Learn more about Zotero on our Citations and Bibliographies guide. Some extensions have ads and others collect and use your data, read their privacy policies before installing.

Learning from a video? Use a tool like Video Speed Controller to speed it up or slow it down with these extensions.

Use these links to see what other extensions are available for your favorite browser. Note: just like you evaluate an article before using it in your paper, there are some things you might want to evaluate about extensions. The links below do not curate extensions. Some might collect and share your data, some might slow your browser down, and others just don't work. Look up the developers, read the reviews, and check their privacy policies before installing.