Part of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ( IACUC) process is ensuring your literature research is up to date and complete with appropriate search terms, methods, and execution. We can assist in the literature search process to ensure your searches are at the levels required by the IACUC committee and the USDA.
For additional assistance with your IACUC literature research sections, please contact Andi Parrish via email.
IACUC Applications require applicants to utilize two or more scholarly databases for their literature research sections. These databases do not include Google Scholar, or online searches through Google, Bing, or other online repository. Databases can include scholarly databases from K-State, another university institution, or government database to name a few. Below is a list of useful databases for IACUC literature research:
These are some of the most popular databases used in IACUC literature research but is not a comprehensive list.