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Public Company Financial Information

Company Reports

Company profiles or reports provide an overview of a company and its activities. This makes them an excellent source for beginning research on a  company. Content varies by publisher, but reports may include:

  • an overview of company activities
  • a competitive analysis of company
  • financial data (for public companies), and
  • major competitors.

Not all publishers will cover all companies. It will be harder to find reports on private companies than on publicly traded firms.

Two Ways to Find MarketLine Company Profiles in Business Source Premier.

  • Use the Company Profiles link or
  • Search for the name of the company and "MarketLine."

Screenshot of Business Source Premier showing the company profiles link at the top of the page that can be used to gind MarketLine company profiles.



Screenshot of search in Business Source Premier for the name of a company and the word "MarketLine>"

Conference Call Transcripts

Find Conference Call Transcripts for a Company in ABI/INFORM

Publicly traded companies hold conference calls to inform investors about earnings and factors that may affect the company's performance. Fair Disclosure Wire publishes transcripts of conference calls, which are available in the ABI/INFORM database. 

  1. Enter Fair Disclosure Wire in  the Publication title – PUB field
  2. Enter company name in the Company/organization – ORG field 

Find conference call transcripts in ABI/INFORM