Business Source Premier (EBSCOhost) and ABI/INFORM (ProQuest) are the major business literature databases. Although the two databases overlap, some popular publications are only available in one or the other. For example, at K-State, the Harvard Business Review is only available in Business Source Premier, but the Wall Street Journal is available in ABI/INFORM. In addition to news, the databases contain trade and scholarly literature, industry reports, and country risk profiles.
Paid for by K-State Libraries ProQuest Central brings together many of the most used ProQuest databases, including ABI/INFORM. Try this tool when you are looking for general news sources in addition to business news.
Publication Dates Covered: 2010 - present Paid for by K-State Libraries
Follow current business and financial news. Full-text of the articles is available. The Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition (1984 - present) is also available.
For current business news, limit to newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. Use the source type menu to the left of the search results.
Use the menu to the left of the search results to limit to a select group of publications.