The books at K-State Libraries are arranged using Library of Congress Call Numbers. This system separates all knowledge into 21 classes, and these classes are helpful to know when browsing the shelves. The classes and some subclasses are provided here.
A: General Reference Works
- Encyclopedias, almanacs and other general reference works.
B: Philosophy and Religion
- B : Philosophy (General)
- BF: Psychology
- BL: Religion/Mythology
- BR: Christianity
C: Auxiliary Science of History
- CB: History of Civilization
- CC: Archaeology
- CS: Genealogy
- CT: Biography (General)
D: History
- D: World History, including the World Wars
- DS: Asia
- DT: Africa
- DU: Oceania, Australia & New Zealand
E to F: History
- E: America (General)
- F: Local and Regional History: United States, Canada & Latin America
G: Geography, Anthropology, Folklore
- G: Geography (General)
- GC: Oceanography
- GN: Anthropology
- GV: Recreation
H: Social Sciences
- HA: Statistics
- HB: Economics
- HF: Commerce
- HG: Finance
- HM: Sociology
- HQ: Family. Marriage. Women
- HV: Social pathology. Social service. Criminology
J: Political Science
- JA to JC: Political Science
- JF to JQ: Constitutional History and Public Administration
- JX: International Law
K: Law
L: Education
- L: Education (General)
- LD to LG: Individual Institutions: Universities, Colleges and Schools
M: Music
- M: General Music/Scores
- ML: Literature of Music
- MT: Music Instruction
N: Fine Arts
- NA: Architecture
- NC: Graphic Arts
- NK: Decorative Arts
P: Languages and Literature
- P: Philology and Linguistics
- PE: English
- PN: General and Comparative
- PR: English Literature
- PS: American Literature and Juvenile Literature
- PZ: Fiction in English and Juvenile Literature
Q: Sciences
- QA: Mathematics
- QC: Physics
- QD: Chemistry
- QE: Geology
- QL: Zoology
- QM: Human Anatomy
- QP: Physiology
R: Medicine
S: Agriculture
- SB: Plant Culture and Horticulture
- SD: Forestry
- SF: Animal Culture
- SH: Aquaculture and Fisheries
- SK: Hunting Sports
T: Technology
- TA: General Engineering, including General Civil Engineering
- TH: Building Construction
- TJ: Mechanical Engineering
- TK: Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
- TP: Chemical Technology
- TR: Photography
- TT: Handicrafts, Arts and Crafts
- TX: Home Economics
U: Military Science
V: Naval Science
Z: Bibliography and Library Science