Federal government documents are arranged using the Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) Classification Scheme. Below is the basic arrangement for the collection. There are hundreds of classes of documents published by each agency. The list of documents are available online at the Federal Depository Library Program website if you want to see the specific documents under each letter.
A |
Agriculture |
AE |
Archives |
C |
Commerce |
C3 |
Census Bureau |
C13-C63 |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
CC |
Communications Commission |
CR |
Civil Rights |
D |
Defense |
E |
Energy |
ED |
Education |
EP |
Environment |
Farm Credit |
FM |
Mediation and Conciliatory Service |
Maritime |
FR |
Federal Reserve |
GA |
General Accountability Office |
GP |
Government Printing Office |
GS |
General Services Admin |
HE |
Health and Human Services |
HH |
Housing and Urban Development |
HS |
Homeland Security |
I |
Interior |
J |
Justice |
JU |
Federal Courts |
L |
Labor |
LC |
Library of Congress |
LR |
Labor Relations Board |
MS |
Merit System Protection |
NC |
National Capital Planning |
National Credit Union |
NF |
National Foundation Arts and Humanities |
National Mediation Board |
NS |
National Science Foundation |
OP |
Overseas Private Investment |
P |
Postal Service |
PE |
Peace Corps |
PM |
Personnel Management |
PR |
White House |
Executive Office |
Office of VP |
S |
State Department |
Small Business Administration |
SI |
Smithsonian |
Social Security |
T |
Treasury |
TD |
Transportation |
VA |
Veterans Affairs |
X |
Congressional Publications |
Y |
Congressional Publications |
Y3-Y10 |
Independent Commissions |
K-State Libraries subscribe to more than 200 databases. This list is intended as a starting point for researching various government-related topics. Search additional databases -- they may include government and political information.
Publication Dates Covered: 1970 - present Paid for by the State Library of Kansas
Contains citations from the National Agricultural Library. Around 2,500 journals are indexed as well as USDA publications, state agricultural experiment station and extension services documents, conference proceedings, books, theses, and audio-visual materials. All aspects of agriculture are covered.
Publication Dates Covered: 1923 - present Paid for by K-State Libraries
Single-themed reports on current issues from Congressional Quarterly Press dating back to 1923. Topics include social trends, health concerns, the economy, education, and technology. Reports provide overview, background, pro/con arguments, chronologies, current situation, and bibliographies of additional sources.
Publication Dates Covered: 1915 - present. Paid for by K-State Libraries
Indexes publications on public affairs, public and social policies, international relations, and world politics from over 120 countries throughout the world. Articles are published in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Types of materials indexed include articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, conference reports, grey literature, and Internet materials. Newspapers and newsletters are not indexed. Includes access to PAIS Archive.
Publication Dates Covered: 1964 - present Paid for by K-State Libraries
Records on essential areas such as conflict resolution, international affairs, and peace psychology.
Paid for by K-State Libraries
Search Congressional hearings, public issues, legislation, and legal research. Includes the full-text of detailed information about Congress, expert testimony on the leading issues of the day, and federal regulations. Includes Serial Set and American State Papers. (Formerly LexisNexis Congressional).
Below are examples of major government websites. If you don't know where to start, please Ask a Librarian.