In the course of your research, you will probably discover articles and books that are not immediately available to you either because K-State Libraries do not own them or because they are currently checked out. When this happens, chances are very good that you can still get these items by requesting them through Interlibrary Loan. Every K-State Student has an Interlibrary Loan account. The first time you login to that account with your eID and password you will be prompted to provide contact information to finish setting up the account.
Essential facts about our Interlibrary Loan Service:
If you use one of our databases that is powered by Get It (most of them are), you will see a Get It button whenever the database tells you about a resource but that specific database does not have the full item.
Example: Stroop Test in Spanish: Children's norms
If the Get It button reveals that the item is not available online, you can request the item by clicking "Request from Interlibrary Loan."