Landscape Architecture

A subject guide to support research in the field of Landscape Architecture.

Library Research Guide

Recommended Databases

Each of these resources address different aspects of architecture and planning.

Resources on U.S. and international history.

Each of these databases includes detailed information about building materials.

These resources address the relationships between the natural and built environment. 

This list includes general databases (covering a broad range of topics) and authoritative dictionaries and encyclopedias from Oxford.

Searching Tips: Databases

Database fundamentals:

  • Searching these resources is different from searching the Internet or surfing "online."  
  • They offer electronic access to articles, book chapters, reports, etc. that have been compiled and cataloged by a reputable organization.  
  • K-State Libraries pays to subscribe to the databases and the information found here is generally not found in an online search or freely available on the Internet.  Databases are global in scope and content. Their content is created and maintained by various companies and organizations.


  • Keywords: Before you begin, break your topic into key concepts; think about the terminology/vocabulary you wish to search for and possible synonyms. Remember that there is often more than one way to express the a concept.
  • Advanced Search: Look for the "Guided Search" or "Advanced Search" options so that you have more search boxes. This will allow greater control over your searches and allow you to use Boolean Operators (AND & OR).
    • AND = both concepts must be present, helps limit the search (Ex. stormwater AND management)
    • OR = great for synonyms, helps broaden the search while staying within the subject area (Ex. "universal design" OR "inclusive design")
    • Ex. History AND ("universal design" OR "inclusive design")
  • Subject Headings: Look for "Subject Headings", "Subjects", "Keywords" or "Descriptors" to help narrow your search. These are fancy names for tags that group topics by category. Different databases may recognize different terms and as you find these tags, you can construct your search using the language/terminology of that database. (See discussion of Subject Headings under the "Searching the K-State Libraries Catalog" above).
  • Get It: No full text available? Click on the PowerCat symbol or the Get It button (which one you see depends on which database you're searching). The Get It button will search for the article you're after in all of our other database subscriptions (looking for an electronic copy), if it's not there, it will look for a print copy available on campus, and if it still doesn't find it you will be connected to Interlibrary Loan ("We will try to get it for you ..."). Interlibrary Loan can obtain items that K-State Libraries does not own -- they simply borrow it from another library and e-mail you when it arrives.