Landscape Architecture

A subject guide to support research in the field of Landscape Architecture.

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WorldCat Database

Search for books at K-State Libraries and other libraries simultaneously. WorldCat can help you to determine if your topic is mentioned within a book -- many records include the table of contents.

  • If we have the title, you can click on the Get It button to retrieve the call number from our catalog.
  • If we do not have the title, use the Get It button  and select "Not Available? Request from Interlibrary Loan" to place an Interlibrary Loan request.

We highly recommend the "Advanced Search" option -- it allows for much greater control when browsing. 


Subject Search

Subject Search: The "Subjects" are simple tags used to categorize materials. For example, with individual designers you could search by his/her last name. This will generate a list of Subject Headings that relate specifically to that designer (whether or not your designer has a Subject Heading depends on his/her level of notoriety). 

Some Subject headings related to site design and urban planning:

  • Building sites -- Planning
  • Cities and towns
  • City planning
  • City planning -- United States -- Case studies
  • Housing
  • Housing policy
  • Land use -- Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Regional planning
  • Urban renewal
  • Urban transportation
  • Urbanization