Grey Literature (also spelled Gray Literature) is literature that is not available through the usual bibliographic sources such as databases or indexes. It can be both in print and, increasingly, electronic formats. Grey literature is produced by government agencies, universities, corporations, research centers, associations and societies, and professional organizations. Here are some examples of material that can be considered grey literature.
Fact Sheets | Government Documents | Committee Reports | Newsletters |
Standards | Technical Documentation | Bulletins | White papers |
Patents | Technical Reports | Symposia | Working papers |
Business documents | Conference proceedings | Pre-prints | Unpublished works |
SciTech Connect provides the science, technology, and engineering research information from the U.S. Department of Energy
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory provides access to JPL authored, externally published papers and reprints
DTIC Technical Reports is the repository for research and engineering information for the U.S. Department of Defense
NASA Technical Reports Server contains technical reports from NASA and NACA
TRAIL (Technical Reports Archive and Image Library) provides historic technical reports from a number of federal agencies