GEOG 495 - Capstone Seminar in Geography

This guide provides information about databases and journals to aid students enrolled in GEOG 495 locate relevant research materials.

Library Research Guide

Cite Your Sources

There are many writing style guides for citing resources. Depending on the journal, geography research is published using different style guides. The Annals of the Association of American Geographers uses the Chicago (B) author-date style.

Here are some helpful links that show you how to cite different formats of information you'll find while researching:

Citation Management

A citation manager helps you

  • collect, store, and share citations;
  • insert in-text citations when writing a paper; and
  • create a bibliography using a variety of citation styles.

Zotero also has a plugins for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari that help you get citation information directly from a webpage. Read this quick start guide to install Zotero and get an overview of how it works.