International Business

A guide to help K-State students get started with international business research.

Library Research Guide

International Industry & Market Research

MarketLine International Industry Profiles

Find MarketLine Industry Profiles in Business Source Premier.

  1. Enter MarketLine (one word) in the Ti Title field.
  2. Enter United States in the GE Geographic Terms. MarketLine also covers other countries.
  3. Enter the search terms for your industry in the TX All Text field. 
  4. After running the search, use menu on left to limit by source type (industry profile) and date (last few years).

Tips for finding MarketLine Industry Profiles in Business Source Premier.

Business Sources Premier advanced search page that illustrates search for MarketLine industry profiles. MarketLine is entered in the in title field, country of interest (the United States) is in the geographic terms field, and snack food (the industry terms) are in the all text field.


Business Sources Premier search results page that illustrates search for MarketLine industry profiles. Using the menu on the left, the search results have been limited by publication date (the most recent 3 years) and by source type (industry profiles).


Government Commercial Guides

The US and Canadian governments both publish resources to help businesses enter markets in other countries. Reports provide information on how to do business in other countries as well as limited information on markets in those countries.