Agricultural Economics (Undergraduate)

A guide for K-State undergradtuate students in agricultural economics or agribusiness classes

Library Research Guide

General News Sources

Need to find general news sources? Start with ProQuest Central.

Business News Sources

Need to find business news sources? Start with ABI/INFORM.

Selected Business News Publications

Selected Academic Journals for Practitioners and Managers

Tips for Finding News Articles in ProQuest Databases

Limit by source type.

For current business news, limit to newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. Use the source type menu to the left of the search results.

Open source type menu in ABI?INFORM search results. Source types selected are trade journals, newspapers, and magazines.

Limit by publication title.

Use the menu to the left of the search results to limit to a select group of publications.

Open menu to limit by publication title in ABI/INFORM.