HIST 300 - Introduction to Historical Thinking

Class library research guide for Introduction to Historical Thinking.

Library Research Guide

Searching for Books in Search It

Use Search It, the search box on the Libraries' home page to find books, maps, and other items in K-State Libraries' collections.

You can search by:

  • author/creator
  • title
  • topic

Advanced Search

Use Search It's Advanced Search for more control over your search.

The link to the Advanced Search appears below the Search Box on the Libraries' home page.

Link to Advanced Search beneath the Search It search box

1. Enter keywords in Search It's search box.

2. Click K-State Libraries only option to search for items owned by K-State Libraries.

Keyword search in with limit set to KState Libraries only

3. Item record shows if an item is available and where it is shelved. If it is not available because it is checked out or missing, you may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.

Record for a book in Search It

4. Virtual Browse at the bottom of the record shows items shelved nearby the item you found. They have similar call numbers, so will usually be about a similar topic.

Screenshot demonstrating Virtual Browse feature in Search It


Beyond K-State Libraries

Didn't find what you needed?

After you've searched in Search It. Look on the left side of the results page for the heading, "External Search."

Links to Worldcat and Google Scholar on the Search It search results page


Two options expand your research beyond K-State Libraries' collections.

  • Worldcat -- searches for your keywords, title, or author in libraries from around the world.
  • Google Scholar -- search for your keywords, title, or author in the Google Scholar database

Both offer the option to request a title or source from K-State Libraries.

Searching for a Specific Title in Search It

Use Search It to search for specific titles in K-State Libraries. Enter the title in the Search It search box.

search form field in center of home page