The K-State Libraries' Search It LibGuide includes detailed information on conducting searches, limiting search results, and accessing your Search It account. Screen captures, additional tutorials, tips and faq's are available to support you in using this robust resource to its fullest capacity.
The Search It Box on K-State Libraries' Home Page
Searches from this box are only keyword searches (no distinction between author, title, etc.).
Search It simultaneously searches K-State Libraries' physical holdings and most of its online collections, including millions of articles and electronic books.
A drop down menu allows you to control the extent of collections covered by your search.
Books, articles + more
K-State Libraries only
Course Reserves
Research Guides
Drop-down menus below the search box provide additional control over your search.
To find this interface, perform a search using the Search It box on the Libraries' home page. This interface will be shown at the top of the results screen.
The Advanced Search Interface in Search It
Four facets in a dropdown menu next to the search box control the extent of collections covered by your search.
Use Boolean Operators to help narrow your search results.
AND = both concepts must be present, helps limit the search (Ex. "autism spectrum disorder" AND "educational environments")
OR = great for synonyms (Ex. "universal design" OR "inclusive design")
NOT = exclude an unrelated term (Ex. "lois weinthal" NOT "book review")
The fields to the right can be used to further narrow the search results.