Make Use Of: Anyone can walk up to the display and interact with the existing projects or use Google Earth and Street View to explore the world.
Make It: To make a display project, you'll need to learn to add assets to the Liquid Galaxy Content Management System. You'll also need a K-State eID and a Liquid Galaxy account.
To create your own projects to display on the Liquid Galaxy, you will need to create an account. Contact Jeff Sheldon to do so. | 785-532-6000
File types you can use in the system:
File types not available:
Special tricks for common needs:
If you can download a YouTube video, you upload it as a MP4 video asset. However, many times you lack permission to download the file. The trick is to create a web page asset and size that as you wish for the screen. Then use YouTube's special embed code and add full screen and auto play features.
We have 7 screens - each are 1970 pixels by 1080. Make a photo of different viewing setups - casual and small group vs whole class.
The most difficult part of the Liquid Galaxy is getting used to exploring with the high tech joystick, or more accurately, 3D mouse.