To keep up-to-date with the latest research in your field, consider setting up a saved search alert. This way, your search will be conducted automatically at regular intervals, and you'll receive notifications about new findings. Below are links to instructions for several databases that are useful for finding research articles in biomedical engineering.
Researchers use preprint archives to share their findings much more quickly than they can through the traditional journal publishing process, which can take months or even years. Unlike published journal articles, preprints have not undergone formal review. Therefore, you should use caution before accepting their results. Check with your professor before incorporating their findings into your project.
Use the box above to search for a specific journal or a subject. Then select select a journal title and find the list of issues, which is ordered with the most recent on top. Some research journals provide access to articles before they are assigned to an issue. These are known as articles in press.
In this example I have selected Articles in Press, which is at the top of the list since those are the most recent articles.
Publication Dates Covered: 1980 - present Paid for by K-State Libraries
Search the most recent global news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring content from newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. This product provides one of the largest collections of news from the US, Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Includes ProQuest's Canadian Newsstream, International Newsstream, and US Newstream collections.
Paid for by the State Library of Kansas
US Newsstream enables users to search current U.S. news content, as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s. It features top newspapers, wires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites in full-text format. US Newsstream provides key national and regional news sources from the U.S. and includes exclusive and preferred access to top titles, including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune. US Newsstream is a subset of Global Newsstream.