Engineering and Other Standards

Here is some specific help in finding standards at K-State Libraries.

Library Research Guide

Standards Available Online at K-State Libraries

Finding Standards Not Available Electronically Through K-State Libraries

Tactics to Find What Standards are Involved With a Given Product

  • Think about who has a vested interest in the safety of the product you are concerned about.
  • Go to the organizational website. Most websites have a search function that will help you discover what standards exist.
  • Look at the packaging for compliance statements: i.e. "Conforms to ASTM D-4236."
  • Search keywords in ASTM under the generic term for the item to see what standards apply to it.
  • If you have a specific number or title of a standard, check the ANSI standards search or the IHS Markit Standards Store to get more information about a given standard.

Purchasing Standards

K-State Libraries do not purchase single-use standards. This is due to the high cost to obtain, frequency of updates, and licensing restrictions on what can be purchased and shared. Instead, the Libraries do have a select number of standards available through the database subscriptions listed at the top of this page.

Instructors interested in obtaining standards for use in a course should discuss the request early in the process with their respective liaison librarian to research what might be possible. Standard requests for courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis and as the budget allows. The maximum amount per standard for consideration is $150.