CMST 250 - Hardware and Network Fundamentals - Salina Campus

This is a Research Guide for students enrolled in CMST 250 through K-state Salina.

Library Research Guide

A Word on Copyright and Fair Use

Read This First

If you have questions regarding copyright rules and fair use, K-State Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship has you covered.  This is an exhaustive guide to help you ensure that your work and projects are within copyright rules.  Don't be afraid to reach out.  These are the experts and they are here to help you.

Creative Commons Licenses

Here is a link to the Creative Commons website.  Here you will find an extensive list of Creative Commons policies, procedures and best practices.

More Useful A/V Links

Are you looking for even more A/V resources for your project?  Consider the following links which contain everything from educational materials to media that is now in the public domain.  Resources are organized in alphabetical order.  As with all A/V materials, be sure to consult Copyright and Creative Commons to ensure that you can use the resources.