Communication Sciences and Disorders

Welcome! This guide is designed to help you learn how to use K-State Libraries' many resources to complete your CSD assignments.

Library Research Guide


Communication Sciences and Disorders Banner.

Welcome to the Libraries' Communication Sciences and Disorders Guide! This guide is designed to help you learn how to use K-State Libraries' many resources. If this guide does not have the information you are looking for, don't hesitate to email me (Cindy Logan) or check for other Research Help options.

In this guide you will find pages about the following topics:

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) provides a definition and review of the EBP process.

Clinical Question and PICO defines the clinical question and how PICO helps to create it.

Databases for Individual Studies lists databases to find general studies.

Resources for Systematic Reviews provides websites and databases for finding systematic reviews.

Resources for Clinical Practice Guidelines lists websites and databases for finding clinical practice guidelines

APA Format and Paraphrasing provides resources and examples for following the APA citation style and paraphrasing.

Help lists locations for assistance with writing assignments.

The Importance of Learning about Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

"It is the position of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association that audiologists and speech-language pathologists incorporate the principles of evidence-based practice in clinical decision making to provide high quality clinical care. The term evidence-based practice refers to an approach in which current, high-quality research evidence is integrated with practitioner expertise and client preferences and values into the process of making clinical decisions."  This quote is from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA's) position statement on Evidence-Based Practice in Communication Disorders.

ASHA's website also states, "The goal of EBP is the integration of: (a) clinical expertise/expert opinion, (b) external scientific evidence, and (c) client/patient/caregiver values to provide high-quality services reflecting the interests, values, needs, and choices of the individuals we serve."

Review of Library Tutorials

If you would like to review the tutorials that you have completed in the various classes, they are available on the New Literacies Alliance website.  I have also linked them individually below.

Ask the Right Questions (How to determine the scope of an investigation by creating proper research questions) 

Types of Information (Different types of information are used for different purposes; how to choose the right type)

Search Strategies (How to create and modify efficient search strategies)

Reading Scientific Research (How to read research articles)

Evidence-Based Practice (Levels of evidence pyramid and choosing your evidence)

Question Authority (Learn to identify authoritative voices and discover that authority is both constructed and contextual)

Citations (Understanding different styles and formats)

Access Matters (Why being able to access information is important)

Scholarly Conversations (Follow research being done in a particular field)

There are additional tutorials available on the website. You are welcome to review those as well.