CYBR 780 - Design and Operations for Cyber Human Systems

This is a research guide for masters level students enrolled in CYBR 780 - Design and Operations for Cyber Human Systems on the Salina Campus

Library Research Guide

Refine Your Results

After you conduct a search, you will have several options for limiting your results. Each time you limit your results, you will see a new set of options for limiting your results. By applying a series of limits, you can quickly focus on the resources you want to see.

Refine your results by exploring the options shown to the left of your results.

Location of categories on the search results screen of Search It   selecting limits for search   active filter options

Be cautious about using the exclude checkboxes, especially when you are limiting by topic. You can also sort results with filters, such as by author, by title, or by popularity.

sort by menu

Also, be sure to take note of the format icons that appear next to the results. For instance, sometimes we own book reviews, but not the actual book.

Various format icons that appear in Search It

Adding and Removing Filters

Every time you set a filter, Search It will display the filter at the top of the results set.

You can remove the filter by clicking the "x" in the tile for that search filter. When you do this, your results will immediately update.

  location of limits that have been set for the current results set in Search It

External Searches

If you're not seeing the results you want, you can also use our External Search options such as Google Scholar, WorldCat, and EBSCO. By selecting one of these, you will be redirected to their search results in a new browser tab.

options for external searching