Welcome to the ENGL 200: Expository Writing II Research Guide! This guide is meant to help you learn how to use the plethora of K-State Libraries' resources. If this guide does not have the information or guidance you are looking for, do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian for help at any time during the Librarians' service hours.
Selecting your own research topic for Expository Writing 2 can sometimes seem like a large task, but we're here to help. First, please know that you will likely find yourself modifying your topic as you write and gather information—this is perfectly normal!
Take a moment to read these tips on Refining a Topic from MIT Libraries.
With those ideas about your topic in mind, you are ready to start researching.
For your sanity, start searching for books, articles, and other sources at least two class sessions before your paper is due. Trust us on this. This will give you time to search on your own, ask a librarian for guidance, and go back to your instructor if you need to refine your topic.
We hear great topics from students. Sometimes these topics are so unique and brilliant that data and research has not yet been compiled and published about them. So, if you are searching and searching and can't find the data you need, it is possible that data doesn't exist.
Be sure to Ask a Librarian before you decide the data doesn't exist. If this is the case, be flexible. Take a look at what you are finding and tweak your topic to address data that does exist. (And, save that topic! When you start doing original research, you'll already have a great research question ready to go.)