
This guide is designed to help students learn how to use K-State Libraries' resources to find information about industries, markets, consumers, companies, and more.

Library Research Guide

Industry Reports

Industry reports can be a valuable source of information for a feasibility analysis or business plan. Reports typically present overviews of industry trends, industry revenue, and revenue projections in an easy to digest format. Though reports may cover an industry that is broader than the market you are researching (for example, Sporting Goods Stores instead of Bicycle Shops), they are still useful for understanding the environment in which a new company may be operating. 

MarketLine Industry Profiles

Find MarketLine Industry Profiles in Business Source Premier.

  1. Enter MarketLine (one word) in the Ti Title field.
  2. Enter United States in the GE Geographic Terms. MarketLine also covers other countries.
  3. Enter the search terms for your industry in the TX All Text field. 
  4. After running the search, use menu on left to limit by source type (industry profile) and date (last few years).

Tips for finding MarketLine Industry Profiles in Business Source Premier.

Business Sources Premier advanced search page that illustrates search for MarketLine industry profiles. MarketLine is entered in the in title field, country of interest (the United States) is in the geographic terms field, and snack food (the industry terms) are in the all text field.


Business Sources Premier search results page that illustrates search for MarketLine industry profiles. Using the menu on the left, the search results have been limited by publication date (the most recent 3 years) and by source type (industry profiles).


Industry Statistics

Industry Financial Ratios

Screenshot of industry financial ratios page on key statistics page of IBISWorld report

Industry Gross Margin

1. Go to Mergent Online and search for a company in your industry.
2. Choose Report Builder tab and Comparison Reports option.
3. Select the following options on the Comparison Report Selection Screen:

  • Peer Group selection: Classification NAIC
  • Select Comparison Report Type: All Companies
  • Report Type: Active Companies Only
  • Report Item Selection: Ratios > Gross Margin %
    Make sure Include average box is checked.

4. Then download report and look at the peer average for gross margin.


Go to Mergent Online and search for a company in your industry


Choose Report Builder tab and Comparison Reports option.


Options on the Comparison Report Selection Screen


Then download report and look at the peer average for gross margin.