ENGL 200 - Expository Writing II - Salina Campus

This is an Expos II research guide for students enrolled on the Salina Campus. This guide is built around core assignments in the class.

Library Research Guide


Search It helps you discover and obtain library resources. It enables simultaneous searching of information about K-State Libraries' physical and online collections, and about articles and other sources from hundreds of databases, journal publishers, and organizations. It is an invaluable research tool for novices and experts alike. This guide will teach you how to use Search It to find resources.

To take full advantage of Search It, you will need to login. See the My Account section of this guide for more information.

If you have any questions about Search It or about this guide, do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian.

What Does Search It Include?

A person reading book in front of cloud of words.

Search It has information about hundreds of millions of resources. Please note that K-State Libraries may not have full access to every item that is listed in Search It.