ENGL 758 - Scientific Communication

This guide provides information about using the citation manager Zotero for students in ENGL 758: Scientific Communication.

Library Research Guide


Books on shelves at Kansas State University Libraries. Link leads to larger view of same image.

Welcome to the ENGL 758 Library Guide! This guide is designed to help you learn how to use Zotero, a citation manager. If this guide does not have the information you are looking for, don't hesitate to Ask A Librarian for help any time during the Libraries' service hours

Consider using Zotero if....

Zotero logo: grey hexagon with three dimensional red Z inside... you often save references from different databases or websites while researching.

... you use sources in a variety of formats, including video, audio, art, etc.

... you keep formatted notes, i.e., they contain bold or italic text, superscripts, bulleted lists, and/or you like to keep multiple notes.

... you like using tools that are customizable and configurable.