A literature review is:
The purpose of a literature review is to:
It helps researchers:
focus your research topic
Evidence synthesis refers to a range of methods, including systematic reviews, that researchers use to identify, analyze, and synthesize previous studies that investigate the same question or topic. The aim is to come to an overall understanding of the results of all the evidence available to answer a specific research question.
A High Quality Systematic Review should seek to
Undertaking a systematic review:What you need to know by Livinski et al. from NIH's Office of Research Services is a good resource for learning about the detailed steps and requirements of a systematic review.
For more information see The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate healthcare interventions: explanation and elaboration. By Liberati A et al.
Before starting a systematic review look at PROSPERO, an International prospective register of systematic reviews hosted by The University of York and the National Institute for Health Research. Checking this can help researchers avoid duplicating current systematic reviews, saving the researcher a lot time and heartache. Registering with PROSPERO is free and allows researchers to notify others of their prospective reviews.